On Monday of this week Omeka, the open source platform we’ve created here at CHNM, won a $50,000 Mellon Award for Technology Collaboration. Omeka was one of ten winners this year. As nice as it was to receive the money, which will help fuel Omeka’s further development, it was just as nice to have our…
Watching Gustav, Remembering Katrina
Over the weekend the American news media was as focused on Hurricane Gustav as it was on the Republican National Convention. Naturally there were numerous comparisons between the response to Gustav and the non-response to Katrina almost exactly three years ago. These reminders of the disaster that was Katrina have brought lots of people to…
Making the History of 1989
I’m pleased to announce that after more than two years of steady work our project team at CHNM has launched Making the History of 1989: The Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe. This project offers users hundreds of primary sources on the events of 1989 and the end of the Cold War in Europe, interviews…
CHNM/NEH Fellowship Reminder
The deadline for application for the NEH-sponsored fellowship at CHNM is fast approaching (July 31). If you have been thinking about applying, but still haven’t, think some more, but not too much more, and then send in your application. The original post from dancohen.org reads: The Center for History and New Media at George Mason…