I’m not usually one to brag, but this time I’ll make an exception. The two world history projects we’ve worked very hard on at the Center for History and New Media are really starting to take off. Since November 1, World History Sources and Women in World History have attracted more than 67,000 unique visitors…
Make your own map
Do you just need a map and fast? Nothing fancy, just the basics? It is possible to create your own map courtesy of the Online Map Creation website. To create a map here you need to know the longitude and latitude of the area you want to map. So, for instance, here is a map…
Students Driving Professors?
Stephanie Hurter raised a very interesting question in her comment on a recent post here: How much do students drive/ influence the college educator’s use of technology in the classroom environment? The answer to this question is, of course, unknown, but you can contribute to a more precise discussion of this issue–at least in the…
Doing Digital History Workshop
Doing Digital History: An Introduction for Historians of Science, Technology, and Industry June 12-16, 2006 The Center for History and New Media’s Echo project invites scholars of the history of science, technology, and industry to our second workshop on the theory and practice of digital history. Participants will explore the ways that digital technologies can…