Back in the day, or as one of my students said not long ago, “back in the olden days” (meaning the 1970s), there was a punk band in Washington, D.C. called The Original Fetish whose greatest hits included “Standing in Line at Studio 54”, “I’m Glad That Elvis is Dead”, and “Surfin’ Nazis.” My favorite, though, was “Our Song About Cars.” As they explained it, in order to be successful, every band needed a song about cars, so they had “Our Song About Cars.”
The most recent episode of our Digital Campus podcast (#18 if you are counting) is our version of a song about cars–our year end “Top Ten List.” In the list, Dan, Tom, and I consider what was hot and what was not in the world of technology and higher education. What makes it our song about cars? Doesn’t every blog/podcast need a top ten list to be successful? Give it a listen and let us know whether it was worth the effort.